I didn’t know that USM was given the Apex status and thus allowing it to directly take in students instead of going through the UPU (University Admission Unit) and better still, USM issued SMSes to some 1600 students informing them that they have been accepted for the new academic year. Upon checking, these students noticed that their names were not on USM on-line admission list. I didn’t know that there are so many pools as described by the DG of Higher Education Department, Apex pool, main pool and what else? Swimming pools?
It seems that those applied for USM but failed to be taken will automatically go into the main pool where UPU will assign the qualified applicants to the various universities. Only USM with the Apex status is granted the autonomy to directly take in new students. That’s fine. But informing students by SMSes without proper documentation or letters of acceptance is totally unwarranted. There are some many vague SMSes flying around, who the hell know whether these SMSes are genuine or not. Many months ago I received an SMS saying that I have won a million dollars for some unheard contest; do you expect me to believe it? There are so many SMS scam going on and our smart USM with so-called Apex status informing students via SMSes. Typical Malaysia Boleh, a new system that created a lot of confusion and unnecessary worries to the students. Wise up USM, student admission is a serious matter that warrants a formal mean of communication, SMS is only good for casual communication and not official business.