Monday, April 13, 2009

Bukit Gantang Chinese no appreciation of BN?

Muhyiddin Yasin was appointed to champion the two by-elections in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau. As you know, BN lost in both by-elections. Instead of carrying out a thorough post mortem to determine why BN lost in both by-elections, Muhyiddin is blaming the Chinese in Bukit Gantang for being appreciative of what BN have done. Well, in the first place, what have BN done? They wrested the Perak state government from Pakatan Rakyat by pinching their three state representatives, then they blamed the former Mentri Besar for not respectful to the Sultan. What else? Oh lastly, they promise the people in Bukit Gantang this and that allocations just before the by-election. And they expect people from Bukit Gantang to buy that. He must be joking.

Well, I propose that one of the KPIs for the ministers should be finding a better excuse for their own failures. The next KPI should be stop finger-pointing when they fail to deliver something.


kekwa66 said...

bull shit!! pig's minded!!

kekwa66 said...
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Anak Pinang said...

Well, Malaysian politicians are like that lah, they have not yet grown up,perhaps, they live on the trees. :))

bloggerooi said...

Well said bro, I'm not so bad, I live underneath the trees.