World leaders are gathering at Copenhagen right now to address the critical issues pertaining to climate change. What can this UN conference coming out with is everyone guess but it will not likely to effect any significant outcome as what has happened on Kyoto Protocol.
The environmentalists, politicians, scientists, NGOs and so on are having their own interpretations on the climate change and its repercussions on the well being of the planet that we live in. Developed and developing countries are pointing fingers as usual. Developed countries are accusing the developing countries for deforestation, high emission of green house gas. On the other hand, developing countries are counter-accusing developed countries for doing the same thing a few hundred years ago in order to be where they are now and depriving other poorer countries for doing so. When does this finger-pointing ends?
As much as we want to deny, human being is the greatest sinner and destructor of this planet. We cut down the forest to plant crops to feed our stomach in the way destructing the habitats for other animals and plants. We call all other animals eating our crops as ‘pest’, but not realizing that we are the greatest pest in this world, creating millions and millions of tones of pollutants everyday that are harmful to the environment. We are exhausting the irreplaceable natural resources and creating pollutants in return. The animals can only crying in vein as they are facing extinction because of the selfishness of human. We cut down trees that have being living in this world for a few hundred years to make houses, furniture and so on, and we are now talking about the danger of climate change.
It is no point having a big conference if human being is not changing their attitude towards the environment. People are starving in poor countries and some of them don’t even know what is going to happen tomorrow so let’s not talk about global warming to them but indeed feed their stomach first. Let’s stop the finger pointing and moving towards the mutual understanding of various nations so that a peaceful resolution can be achieved to balance out the needs of all the nations in order to create a better world for tomorrow.
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