Monday, June 27, 2011

Love is blind

Sometimes I would think that animals possess more love than human. After seeing a few rather rare photos taken by a well known wildlife photographer David Tipling, I reaffirm my belief that love is blind, as even a pair of tidy reed warblers display unwavering love beyond our apprehensions. This pair of warblers was apparently tricked in to thinking that a cuckoo was their own baby, and thus feeding and taking care of this rather odd chick despite that it was 3 times bigger than a normal warbler chick.

It seemed that a cunning cuckoo had laid it egg in the nest of this pair of loving warblers. Although the warblers could have sensed something amiss as their offspring was so gigantic that it could almost destroy the small nest built by the warblers, it didn’t stop them for providing adequate food and keeping it warm.

If you think of ever increasing social illnesses such as abortions, child abandonment and other ridiculous abuses, it makes us feel so ashamed that even tidy warblers know better what love is all about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting, thanks