A few days ago, a friend posted on his facebook that he had the tendency to look at the obituary on the newspaper, somehow realizing that his age was catching up. Aging is a normal process but somehow, it is a bitter pill to swallow. But when you’re feeling a bit dizzy just because a night before you slept a bit less or your heart beating faster than normal when you are climbing on the stairs. Then perhaps it is time to get use to the fact that your body is not as fit as 10 years or 20 years ago.
In my early forties, one thing I learn about aging is that if I sleep less than 6 hours a night, then it will be extremely difficult to have good concentrations the following morning. But when I was in my twenties, I could stay awake the whole night getting ready for examinations, having a cup of black coffee then attending the examination without feeling sleepy and in the evening still could go for a game of tennis. Of course burning a midnight candle would not give you a good result but that was what an average student so used of doing. Physical strength and mental concentration aside, poor memory also comes with aging.
Last Friday’s night when I was in TESCO Seremban for shopping I bumped up with a lady with a very familiar face that I couldn’t recall who she was when she was greeting me. The face was so familiar but alas, the identity of this lady didn’t seem to be able to come out from my mind. I spent a few days trying to recall who she was but simply unable to recall her name. The face was so familiar and I could even recall the tone of her voice but didn’t have a clue as to who she is. You see how bad a poor memory can be. Whatever it is, I take consolation in capable of memorizing my 11-digit bank account number.
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