Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lee Chong Wei makes us proud

It is surely a good beginning for the year of Dragon for our badminton player Lee Chong Wei after winning back-to-back victory in Korea and Malaysian Open. More importantly, he defeated two of his closest rivals for the Olympics Gold, Lin Dan in the final of Korea Open and Chen Long in the semifinal of Malaysian Open. It is also a bountiful Chinese New Year for Chong Wei too as the combined prize money was US 105,000.00. It was reported in the China Press that the stadium was full of Chong Wei’s supporters during the final on last Sunday, ended up the car park in Bukit Jalil was all full and even reporters were not able to park their cars close to the stadium. Such was the support given by the Malaysian fans to a hero that really makes up proud.

US 105,000 over a short period of 2 weeks is certainly a very good income but I guess nobody in this world will ever question whether Chong Wei deserves it. Indeed, he truly deserves it, for all the sweat, discipline and long hours he put in training and continuously improving his mental strength even defeat after defeat to Lin Dan and Chen Long and single-handedly carrying our flag in the international sports arena. He deserves it; he is the best sportsman that we have.

On the other hand, after the Auditor General exposing the “mess” of National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), and the opposition leaders digging deep into the so-called “messes”, we then know that the Chairman of NFC, who is the husband of our Women, Family and Community Development Minister, is drawing RM 100,000 a month. Their 31-year old son as the Executive Director is drawing RM 45,000 a month, another 27-year old son as the Managing Director is drawing RM 35,000 a month and another daughter aged 25 years old is drawing RM 35,000. The whole family is drawing RM 215,000.00 a month from the NFC and do these people contribute anything to the people?

Chong Wei makes us proud, he sweats and fights for his glory and for the country and we are proud to be supporting him as he possesses the finest quality of a sportsman, never say never to defeat and despite of fatigue, countless injuries and tremendous pressure on him, he stays on and never let his supporters down, and as a sole flag bearer, he boldly project the image of a fighter from Malaysia. Unlike the so-called “parasites” that are sucking bloods of the people, Lee Chong Wei stands tall in all occasions, in or out the court.

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