It is totally disgusting, seeing a group of protesters carrying a severed cow’s head marching on the street, protesting relocation of an Indian temple to their area. I thought that this kind of thing only happened in the ancient times, like those headhunting practiced by certain tribes, or an ancient ritual where animals were beheaded for celebrations or ritual practices. In the present day, this sort of thing should not happen at all as it is uncivilized and too provocative, but too bad that it actually happened in our own country, a peace loving country, a multi-racial country where everybody respects each other even though they are different in terms of origin, religions, culture and many other things.
Along with the caning of a Kartika for consuming alcohol, this incident will surely attract wide coverage from the media around the world. Peace-loving people, human right activist and perhaps animal lovers throughout the world will surely condemn such inhumane act. It will surely tarnish the image of the country.

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