It was reported in the Star that sea levels in Peninsular Malaysia will rise by 10 to 13 cm in the next 100 years. Well, most of us couldn’t be bothered about what is going to happen in the next 100 years as we are certainly turning into ashes by the times. Coincidentally, two days ago I watched a Taiwan documentary also on global warming and it was highlighted that the melting of North Pole has resulted in the marked reduce in the population of polar bears.

Scientists believe that Polar bear is on the way of extinction probably in the next 100 years due to global warming as satellite images by NASA indicating that the size of North Pole has shrunk too quickly and Polar bear are losing their homes due to the melting of the sea ice habitat.
As the human being progresses, more and more CO2 and other green house gasses are released to the environment, causing the average temperature of the earth to increase at a worrying pace. This is further hampered by deforestations through logging activities and very soon there will not be enough plants to inhale the CO2 and exhaling O2. When that happens, our future generations may have to put up an oxygen mask before they can walk on the street.
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