Monday, August 30, 2010
It’s incorrect to take someone’s life
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Zero tolerance to racist remarks
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lackadaisical assault team.....

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Come on-lar Counsel, you can do better than this
Friday, August 13, 2010
Baby dumping is attempted murder
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pua gets a bullet
Sometimes we have to keep our mouth shut even though we know that our bosses may be talking non-sense, just keeping mum and you can get over it, another peace day although you may not be happy but that will make your life relatively trouble free so to speak. Because we are living in the world that not all people can accept criticisms, be it constructive one or otherwise, so long that it is a critic.
MP Pua is merely calling for the abolishment of the bumiputra discount for houses costing more than RM500,000 and commercial property costing more than RM2mil, and for that he gets a bullet suggesting he should better keep his mouth shut or otherwise his family members may be harmed.
For ordinary people like you and me, if we talk too much not to our bosses liking, probably we won’t get good bonus or a pay rise or at the worst case scenario, no promotion for your whole career but for MP Pua, his life and family members are threatened, merely over a suggestion affecting a minority group of rich people.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Suicide note so late?
The inquest into the death of Teoh Beng Hock has been dragged on for almost one year and now only the Public Prosecutor produce the new evidence, the so-called “suicide note” by the decease. The Public Prosecutor are just wasting the public fund and manipulating the emotions of the family members and friends of the late TBH. If the suicide note was genuine then it should have been submitted by the police by October last year when it was reportedly found and the whole episode of this high profile inquest can be avoided.
Don’t forget, the inquest was initiated as ordered by the Prime Minister after meeting up with the decease family, promising them a fair trial. Are the Public Prosecutor and the investigating officers intending to bluff the whole nation and also the Prime Minister as well?
Why now only the Public Prosecutor introduce the suicide note as a new evidence knowing that if the suicide note was authentic, it will prove beyond doubt that the death of TBH didn’t possess any criminal elements and the inquest can be avoided from the very beginning, saving all the torturing moments the family members of TBH have to endure.
The introduction of the “suicide note” at the eleventh hour of the inquest is proving one thing, either the Public Prosecutors have their hidden agenda to manipulate the inquest or they are simply unprofessional. It is better for the purported “suicide note” to be authentic, otherwise someone’s head must roll for fabricating evidence. The latest twist in the TBH inquest will surely make us cast a serious doubt on the credibility on the judiciary system.