Friday, August 13, 2010

Baby dumping is attempted murder

Come to think of it, human is worst than animals. At the very least, even stray dogs in hunger also know how to take care of their puppies but the increase in baby dumping of late proves that our younger generations have lost their conscience as they resort to kill their own babies to solve their problems. They have lost the judgment of intellect to distinguish right from wrong.

As to-date, 60 cases of baby dumping have been reported by the Police as compared to 79 cases for the whole last year and despite all initiatives taken by the government, there are people simply unwary about pre-marital sex and pregnancy, putting their own enjoyment above responsibility. At the very least, teenagers should know how to practice safe sex if their desires are too strong beyond their young age, that probably will prevent the whole lots of the problem. Come on, condoms are easily available nowadays.

Education and religion teachings seem unable to lead the missing punks into the right direction and thus problems breed more problems. As all the welfare measures taken by the government are not good enough to prevent the incident of baby dumping, it seems that the only way out is to send the couple involved to the jail so that they would not fuck around and then throwing their newborns into the dustbins or toilets to let innocent babies die. Hopefully when those guilty fellas are released from the jail, they will be old enough to regain conscience and not repeating the inhumane acts.

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