The president of BAM has said that nobody is indispensable in corporate world or for any organization for that matter, as he was referring to the recent spat between BAM and Misbun. He is probably right as in the corporate world that’s what it is, they will offer a short term contract to a person, giving him or her all the good perks and expecting results within the contract periods of 3 to 5 years. If there is no good results, they will fire that fella, hire and fire is the name of the game.
Misbun’s contributions in coaching and leading Lee Chong Wei to become the world best player should not be undermined by any parties even though Lee has yet to cross the last hurdle of winning the Olympics. Lee’s failure to champion against his nemesis Lin Dan in major events is also frequently criticized by some BAM officials. It is not easy to breed a world bidder in any business, sport, education, research, art as talent is not so easy to come by and even if there is one, we need a solid team to galvanize these talents so that they’re complete enough to be a world bidder.
As our former Chinese coach Han Jian put it; the success of Lin Dan is not possible if not because of China’s rich resources of coaching expertise and also competitive sparring partners provided to Lin Dan. We have to ask BAM do we have those resources. Han Jian in an telephone interview with the China Press had pointed out that Misbun should not be held entirely responsible for Chong Wei failure against Lin Dan as he opined that Chong Wei is lacking that sort of resources that a big country like China can provide to Lin Dan. For that matter even the legendary coach Tang Xian Hu (湯仙虎), at the age of 68 has to come out from retirement to guide Lin Dan from one tournament to another. The chief coach Lee Yong Boo who was a student trained under Tang, realized that only with the legendary status of his old master can tame a tiger like Lin Dan.
We have to recognize that apart from Lin Dan, no other Chinese players can actually pose a threat to Chong Wei, and for that reason, Misbun’s effort and passion in guiding Chong Wei should be complimented. As Olympics is just not too far away and instability is not going to do any good for Chong Wei’s preparation for our best bet in the gold medal.
BAM should retain Misbun, that’s no doubt about it, and BAM should in fact examine their policies or whatever shortcomings as it seems that all the world class badminton coaches such as Han Jian, Yang yang, Morten Frost, Lin Mao, Pak Joo Bong and so many others never last long and leaving BAM not without any grouses.
Too much of bureaucracy will destroy the sport. By the way, chances of Lee winning gold in 2012 Olympics is fading fast with the current spat of BAM & Misbun. Taufik turned independence sometime back and never be as good as before ever since.
"Nobody is indispensable" only works if we have abundance of coaching resources. Misbun is one of the most experienced and successful local coaches and should therefore be treated with more respect by BAM.
Latok lost again.
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