Stray dogs are often a nuisance to the neighborhoods as they often feed on the food remnants from the dustbins and dirtying our streets. Dogs and cats are domesticated animals and thus depend on human to provide shelters and foods but have you ever wonder how these stray dogs survive in the wild?

Two days ago while visiting an estate in Kahang, Johor, I came across a few stray dogs that were feeding on the rats for survival. As the tractor leveling the fronds which were washed away from the frond-stacking rows due to recent floods, there were many rats, big ones and small ones all running out from their nests. And those stray dogs which were patiently waiting at the side immediately prey on these rats as they came out.

I guess for survival these stray dogs are still keeping their animal instincts with them as they have to keep their hunting ability for their foods. It was an interesting occurrence as we often think that only cats are equipped with the natural ability to catch rats but dogs, for their own survival in the wild, also preying on rats.

Few days ago my mother-in-laws was away from home for a night and when she came back, her dog refused to eat, as though she became sulky as she was left alone in the house. My mother in-laws even fried an egg to cheer up her dog but to no avail as she remained depressed for no apparent reason. You see, we always say that different people different luck but apparently different dogs are also having different lucks.

As the so-called high class pets are too pampered and thus tend to pick and choose their foods, the hard-luck stray dogs in the oil palm estates have to prey on rats to keep their stomach full. As my mother-in-laws’ Fifi is obese and advised by the veterinarian to shed some weight, those stray dogs have to endure the faith of hunting rats for survival.

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