There are two sides to a coin. Those who were taking part in 9-7 rally were regarded by the government as defiant group of people. I surfed through the Internets and discovered many reports on both foreign and local media on Annie Ooi, an auntie who worn a yellow T-shirt, took a bus ride alone from Setapak heading to KL, stopped 4 times by the police before reaching the destination, being questioned by police why was she wearing yellow on that day and she replied every times “Why can’t I wear yellow”.
She didn't have any single details of the rally on that day, no information on time and place but her nerve drove her there despite all the barricades put up by the police along the way. KL, on 9-7, with the presence of so many police and FRU, was like a war-zone, making people paranoia. Many people were avoiding the city on that day knowing that there would be massive traffic congestion; it was such intended so that the rally would not take shape but the so-called defiance groups were finding all ways and means to be there.
The government was telling that all the protesters were being used by the opposition parties to go against them, and the Bersih was politically motivated but ignoring the reasons why were these people supporting the opposition in the first place. This auntie at the age of 65, a retired government school teacher has nothing to fear no more. She can ignore the warning given by the government as she has retired but unlike so many silence majorities that because of their rice bowls, were refraining themselves from getting into trouble.
There are two sides to a coin, as the government are labeling those involved in the Bersih rally as defiant group, there are people hailing them as the brave hearts fighting for a good cause, a noble one which may transform our lives. Annie Ooi, 65 year old retired teacher, was hailed as the Malaysian Lady of Liberty but on the other hand, the Police are still busy denying the allegations that they were firing water cannon and throwing tear gases into Tung Shin Hospital.
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