I do not follow the development on the dispute between the academic staff and the management of New Era College as I am not interested in any tussles involving Dong Jiao Zong or other Chinese Chambers of Commerce etc. However the violent act by a former student to the Chairman of New Era College during a convocation ceremony make me wonder how could the dispute between management and academic staff can evolve into an apparently unresolvable stage that end up the Chairman of the college being punched by an ex-student. This incident will certainly become the irreversible black mark in the history of New Era College, just like the black-eye incident of Anwar Ibrahim.
Chinese education stresses the importance of moral development of the individual. If the person who punched Dr Yap was indeed an ex-student of New Era, then it would not only seriously tarnish the good name of New Era College but also shatter the belief of Chinese community on the capability of New Era college to nurture holistic, cultured and competent professionals as stated in its mission.
The violence act by a former student on the Chairman of a college due to what so ever reason is completely unacceptable. After struggling for so many years to nurture and to protect the mother tongue education in Malaysia, that thrusting blow was indeed a deadly one to Dong Jioa Zong, blowing away the good image and hard work painstakingly built upon since Independence by many dedicated Chinese community leaders. I think the great Sage Confucius must be weeping if he comes to know about it. 

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