Barack Obama is my first American Idol, not because he is the first ever black president of American, after all, the president of American has little things to do with us in Malaysia. But some how rather, I feel that he is somebody that we can hinge our hope on. Someone that we can thrust, and some one that will lead the suffering masses in the darkness to the light. Joe Biden, the vice-president-elect said to Barack when he was offered to be his running mate, 'Don't ask me unless the reason you're asking me is you're asking me for my judgement. I get to be the last guy in the room when you make every important decision. You're the president, any decision you make, I will back.' That words by Joe certainly show how supportive he is to his president.
My wife puzzles as to why I'm so interested in Obama, or rather idolised him as the American President has little influence on us in Malaysia. Even he is the first ever black president, so what? But do you recall when you were the grow up kid and when you were bullied by bad guys in the school or on the streets, would you not think of your heroes like superman or batman or spiderman that will come and save you? It looks like a childhood's dream huh? But in real life, we do need hero, maybe not in the forms of superman, batman, ironman, transformer or what so ever. Maybe your father or mother or brothers or sisters or friends or teachers will be someone that will guide you through when you are in the trouble. For me, I look upon to a truly inspired one like Barack as a hero.
I hope Barack will be a good man, just a simple good man which will take good care of his nation and preserve the peace of the world. The responsibilities on his shoulders are so big, two wars and a deepening economic crisis are on his back.
Coming back to the question as to why I'm so idolised Barack, it is simple, I can't find one here.

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