Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Syabas, Malaysia won 2010 AFF Suzuki Cup
Friday, December 24, 2010
A lot of people cheating...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sifu there and who's here?
Monday, December 13, 2010
When there is a leak....
There is an interesting article by Jemima Khan on the Guardian on why did she back Julian Assange, the controversial spokesperson of WikiLeaks who was arrested by the British authority under the request of their Swedish counterpart for alleged rapes or more precisely, performing sex with woman without putting on condoms. Jemima believes that there is a fundamental injustice to the arrest of Assange and thus presented herself in the court to act as a surety for him under the request of Assange’s lawyer.
WikiLeaks offers a new type of investigative journalism and whether it is good or bad is highly controversial but when there are more and more classified information declassified, some people of higher authorities started to feel the pinch. For instance, when WikiLeaks revealed that Singaporean intelligence officials told their Australian counterparts that the de-facto leader of Pakatan Rakyat had indeed been guilty of the conduct he was accused of and it was a set up job, who do you think will feel the pinch? Will such leaks affect the outcome of the ongoing sodomy II trial?
Hence, it is not difficult to understand as to why the United States is so concerned about the extradition of Assange as perhaps they want to keep him shut before more truths are being revealed and those truths especially pertaining to war crime could potentially be tarnishing their credentials and reputations.
WikiLeaks poses threats only to those with hidden secrets and ulterior motives while for ordinary people who has no “cables”; the only leak we are more concerned of is a leaking roof during a raining day.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A pity kid seeing his mother jumping down from a flat
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
To Hebe
Monday, November 29, 2010
Fascinating Yunnan - Jade Dragon Mountain
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Positivity & Negativity
It makes me wonder how come a company could still incur huge financial losses despite of implementation of the so-called bullet-proof good management practices such as key performance indexes, risk management policies, SWOT analysis, whistle-blowing, accountability and transparency and so on and so forth. The funny part is that nobody in the company seemed to be aware of the financial implications until the company dropped a bombshell and out of the sudden, cost overruns amounting to billions of dollars gives us a real shock of life by the time it is already irreparable.
Often I attend our company’s townhall meeting seeing the big bosses presenting the quarterly result of their divisions and everything seemed so rosy and everyone seemed to be talking about how well the company is generating good profit. Some say as a leader you must know how to talk, how to talk convincingly. I guess all of the bosses know how to talk, or to be more specific; how to talk to impress rather than talking the real facts and consequences, good and bad alike.
That’s how it goes, if the bosses are all the while thinking and speaking positively and sweeping all the negativities into the carpets one of these days the so-called positive attitude will backfire. Very often in a meeting when we talk about negative things or something that opposed to the view of the bosses, the first thing you get is your boss will shoot you down and label you as negative. To them, everything is Malaysia Boleh, everything can be done despite knowing that there are shortcomings or limitations.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A fantastic weekend; an explosive F1 Finale
It is a fantastic weekend for sport enthusiast; a 4-corner fight at Yas Marina to decide who will be crowned the 2010 F1 World Champion, EPL matches and the live telecasts on the Asian Games are all set for tonight. In the long history of F1 series, this is the first time that four drivers are still in contention for the World Champion going into the last race and it goes to show how tight this season is.
Red Bull with their “no-team order” and unbridled racing philosophy is a class above of the rest undoubtedly as their cars and drivers were supremely fast in many circuits and if not because of the DNFs and backfires of their strategy allowing both driver to race on each other, Webber or Vettel could have been leading the championship comfortably at this stage despite of now Webber is in second and Sebastian Vettel third with 8 and 15 points respectively adrift of the leader Alonso.
In the qualify session last night Vettel again proved that he is fast enough to defend the trophy he had won last year. It is the 10th pole by Vettel in this season and it goes to show how quick this young lad is. Could he overturn a 15-point lead by Alonso and be crowned the youngest F1 World Champion? Would he move aside to let Mark Webber win the title shall Alonso is in third position? All these will be answered tonight.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Dove or Hawk?
A colleague dropped by and we had a short chat on some latest promotions of a few personnel in our company. Since merger, some people seem advance must faster than the others and definitely there are disappointment for those who failed to get promotion. There are people saying that so and so are the blue eye boys or girls of the new boss and therefore getting promotion much easier than the rest of the people, like riding on a helicopter so to speak.
A few of us were in fact asked by the boss to apply for a higher position some time back in June or July. I didn’t bother to apply and was not call up for the interview. My colleagues did and went for the interview and not surprising they were not successful and it turned out that the management already had someone in mind to sit in that position and funny enough the guy was not even called up for interview.
That’s how it works sometime. Bosses also want to be nice guys, they certainly do not want to offence anyone in the manner as such that they play their tricks to make you believe that you have a chance to be promoted even though they already have somebody in mind. Therefore they call up all those who are senior enough to be promoted to be the side-kicks so as to make the occasion merrier.
My colleagues then wondered how come some people got promoted without even have to attend the interviews while some others like us have to apply for a promotion. That’s crystal clear, I guess, those who were called up to attend the interviews are those without any realistic chance to be promoted, not in the boss’ book so to speak, as simple as that or otherwise why the double standard?
My colleague then told me that since that interview incident he tried to be as humble and polite as possible and I asked him why. He said he noticed that those less offensive and polite people and sweet talkers tend to get promotion faster than the rest especially those hardcore rascals like us. I asked him what about a person’s contribution to the company then? What about the year of experience and loyalty then? He said all that not as important as whether or not you align yourself to the bosses.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Royal Town Arau flooded again....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Alarm with GPS no help?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
From Serian to Mongkos
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Express buses going way too fast
Monday, October 11, 2010
My teacher
Attended my uncle’s funeral two days ago and met up with my primary school teacher. It is almost 30 years since I left the primary school and seeing my old teacher, all the sweet and sour memories started to come back one after another. Time flies and once the very strict and well respected teacher has become an old man, still well respected among the community in a small town Arau, frequently presence himself in giving moral supports to the families in need, big or small occasions, weddings or funerals alike.
Before I approached my teacher who was sitting with another guest and chit-chatting, my father gave me a reminder, asking me not to ask my teacher whether he could remember who I am. I guess I’m not stupid enough to ask that question as I know how could it be possible for an old teacher in his seventies to remember the name of all his students, which could be more than thousands? I walked to him and wished him and surprisingly he still remembered me, and asking how my younger brothers were doing. I guess he could be chatting with my father before seeing me and knowing that I was coming back to attend the funeral.
His teaching career spanned not less than 3 decades I guess, teaching my aunties, me and my younger brother through the sixties, seventies and eighties. I guess we hardly can find a teacher as committed as him nowadays. Those days when I was growing up in the seventies, there was no such thing as “pendatang” issues. Even though I was from a Chinese Primary School Hwa Aik for six year, I was then to Secondary School in Dato’ Sheik Ahmad, just a few kilometers from my house which was surrounded by Malay kampong. My dad speaks fluent Malay, my late-grandma spoke excellent Malay although my late-mother didn’t speak Malay at first but she learned up pretty fast, she was a well sought after tailor in Arau, a lot of Malay ladies engaged her in stitching baju kurung, I remember how my mom getting herself so busy before Hari Raya as her customers would be coming to our house to ask for their baju kurung.
I hardly can remember any of my teachers in the secondary school or lecturers in the University but I surely cannot forget someone who is so committed to his duty as a teacher not only in the school but as a good friend to the parents and a role model to the community in a small town Arau.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What seemingly Ok may not be Ok
Sometimes, it takes a tragedy to remind us that a seemingly OK thing can lead to a regrettable incident. We often see monkeys loitering around our housing estate and we thought that it was OK. There are stray dogs running around and we thought that it was OK and some people even feeding them up and thus stray dogs breed more stray dogs on the streets.
Sometimes you see herds of cow or goat roaming at the road side and we thought that it was OK and nobody seems to bother about it except perhaps those driving in those kampong areas often have to be extra careful about the cow or goat cross the road out of the sudden.
It is saddened to read about a pitiful baby girl in Seremban succumbed to death reportedly being attacked by a wild monkey. I guess we could never imagine that such bizarre thing can happen but it happened and the first-time mother who had just given birth to her unfortunate baby girl has to possibly endure a life-long heartache as a result.
After carrying the baby for a good 10 months, undergoing the labour pain and how cruel life is, the baby girl just managed to breathe a few days of fresh air and a miserable monkey took away her life.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Age is catching up...
Celebrated my wife birthday a couple of day ago and mine will also be around the corner. We bought RM 75 a piece birthday cake from Secret Recipe and it was the most expensive cake we had bought so far and there is still half of it lying in the refrigerator. I don’t celebrate birthday as to me getting older is not something good to be celebrated.
But like it or not, time flies and we often didn’t realize it until there are some signs. Yesterday while having my eye sight checked, the optometrist asked me whether I’m having any difficulty in reading and I said no. He said I have the farsightedness as well apart from my normal nearsightedness. I said come-on, I’m not even 40 years old yet and farsightedness, is it possible? The optometrist snubbed, raised his eyebrows and smiling to me as though he was telling me to come to the painful reality of getting older.
A couple of months ago I felt the knee pain when I was jogging with my wife. It had never happened before but I know that it will happen someday. I know that I could be seriously short of Ca as I’m allergic to milk and as a heavy coffee drinker, all the Ca required for bone will be draining out fast. Knee pain is quite new to me but my teeth are rotting faster than ever. Worst still, I could hear the scratching sound when doing squatting or kneeling and that’s horrible. I went to the pharmacy and was recommended to take some supplements of Glucosamine. Like it or not I have to take it as I don’t want to be affected by joint pain when I’m going on tour to Kunming, China next month.
Is more expensive cigarette a good way to deter smoking?
It doesn’t bother me how much cigarette prices are going up tomorrow. But the question is whether it is effective to encourage people to quit smoking by increasing the prices exorbitantly. It may to a certain extent as a 20-stick pack will now cost about RM 10 and that's a lot for an average income person. I guess most of the smokers will turn to the smuggled cigarettes which are cheaper. As it was reported by the Star, there are approximately 100 types of smuggled cigarettes available in the local market.
If you are in Sabah, especially in places like Lahad Datu, Sandakan or Tawau, you can see many toddlers peddling around selling illegal cigarettes. These are very young street kids, boys and girls alike either following their parents or they themselves squatting outside the coffee shops or wet market selling illegal cigarettes. Very often you can see the young boys are puffing as well when they are selling.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Indonesian workers slam anti-Malaysia activists
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A victory at last.....
When two finest players meet each other in a final, a dynamic and interesting match is always expected. But in the past, we have seen too many disappointments when Lee Chong Wei meeting up with his arch nemesis, Lin Dan, the nearest one being the past Thomas Cup where Lee lost to Lin Dan dismally.
I guess Malaysian fans including me never give up on Lee Chong Wei or for that matter Koo and Tan whenever they play against the world best as apart from squash, badminton is our only pride at the world sport stage. We were close to win our first Olympic gold medal but it was Lin Dan who stood in our way, defeating Lee Chong Wei with much of an ease.
In Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, surprisingly there were many Malaysians supporting Lee playing in the men-single final. You could hear loud voices chanting Malaysia Boleh in supporting of the much confident Lee. When Lee edged Lin Dan in a closely fought match, the Malaysian fans roared in the stadium, it was such an ecstatic mood while our hero Lee Chong Wei smiled broadly, breathing a sigh of relief perhaps, long awaited victory at last.
The Japan Open should be a good boost for Lee, no home ground advantage for both, only determination set the difference. Lin Dan played brilliantly so did Lee but our hero somehow with nerves of steel refused to let hot favorite Lin Dan to tame him for another time. Congratulation to Datuk Lee but for how long can we depend on him to shoulder such a heavy responsibility of the sole flag bearer in the international sport arena.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Grandma slaughtering chicken
Monday, September 6, 2010
4 Siblings surviving on biscuits
Friday, September 3, 2010
The culture of Kiam-siap (Thrifty)
Monday, August 30, 2010
It’s incorrect to take someone’s life
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Zero tolerance to racist remarks
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lackadaisical assault team.....

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Come on-lar Counsel, you can do better than this