If winter comes, can spring be far behind? I really hope that we can see some light at the end of tunnel. But if next year is indeed a tough one, I wish all my friends to be blessed with good health so that they can be strong enough to fight the worse ever financial tsunami. No free diary or calendar never mind, I'm going to buy one for myself tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
No Calendar? Hello, It is 2009
If winter comes, can spring be far behind? I really hope that we can see some light at the end of tunnel. But if next year is indeed a tough one, I wish all my friends to be blessed with good health so that they can be strong enough to fight the worse ever financial tsunami. No free diary or calendar never mind, I'm going to buy one for myself tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Beware of CyberCrime and Identity Theft
A Shy Dog
Thursday, December 25, 2008
e-Payslip & Environment Protection
I then told him that our company is no longer printing payslips for the employees in order save the planet by reducing the cutting down of trees for papers. He then asked me to propose to our CEO that the employees should wear banana leaves instead to work so that we can save the planet even more. Both of us then laughed profusely.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tough Life, Anywhere.
Enjoyable Trip to Guilin
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Amazing Guitarist Tony Melendez
Friends, take a look at the video clip, listen to this amazing guy singing "let it be" and playing guitar with his feet, so calmly as though whatever misfortune or bad luck that fall on him he would just take it as it is. When you are down for whatever reasons, you can't be worst than Tony who was born without arms, so why not just let it be.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A bumper crop but low price
Knowing the difficulty and hardship of those people raising their families by farming, naturally I would not want to associate myself with anything to do with farming as I grow up. But then I went to university studying plant breeding and ended up working as an oil palm agronomist since 1995. I remember I attended an interview with IOI Corporation way back in 1995 when the human resource manager Mr. T.M.B Krishnan asked me can I work in a plantation with a doubtful-look as I was thin and skinny at that point in time. I told him I was raised up in a padi planting family in a small kampung and he nodded instantly seemingly agreeing that a young man coming from a padi planting family should have no problem working in an estate.
Of late many smallholders crying foul as they are unable to sell their oil palm fruits to the millers as the millers limiting their intake due to poor CPO price. Despite the bumper crops, some smallholders are desperately seeing their crops rotting on the trees as the price was too low for them to make a decent profit should they harvest. The cost of production for smallholders is always on the higher side as compared to plantation companies as they need to pay higher harvesting and transportation cost. Smallholders normally depend on FFB collectors to buy their fruits as they do not have transport to deliver their crops directly to the mills.
Time changes, technology advances, but the hardship and grievances of farmers seem uncontainable.
Lousy move by PLUS to reduce toll rate after midnight
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Crude oil, oh crude oil
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Taffic police going after errant motorists
Friday, November 14, 2008
Global recession affecting the livelihood of kampung folks
Demonstrations like this is very common in Indonesia. In town, urban or even in a remote oil palm estate that the one I'm visiting, the people frequently gather themselves in order to protest or to voice out their grievances. Normally, negotiations will be carried out to look for a win-win situation. However, too often that not, there will be some sort of damage such as the demonstrators went amok and set the office or factory on fire.
It seems that the global recession is not only affecting the businessman or big corporations, it goes to impact the livelihood of the commoners like you and me. Our government should therefore pre-emptive any probable occurrence of retrenchment or sort so that a mutual agreement can be reached so that there would be win-win for both employers and employees should retrenchment could not be avoided.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Anyone can be PM of Malaysia?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Black President for America
But this time around the majority of American supported a black man of a mix origin to become their president. American trusted Senator Obama's capability to steer the country out of the current financial turmoil. They believe in him because of his credibility and capability,hence, skin color is of no influence on their choice of candidate. The American want a good President, regardless of his origin and his past. Obama had admitted that he used marijuana, cocaine and alcohol during his high school days. But does this make him a bad president?
The former leader of the People Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping said, whether it is a black cat of a white cat, a good cat is the one catches rats. Malaysia is blessed with the diversity of multi races and heritage. Whether we can turn diversity into prosperity hinges upon the mindset of the people.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Motion to discuss multilingual signs in Parliament
Monday, November 3, 2008
Investor friend getting excited again
I caution him not to be over optimistic as many financial experts still see the global economy in very uncertain condition. He said never mind, no pain no gain and asked me to buy some shares as he is going to buy more shares so that when the market actually rebounded, he could recoup some heavy losses he suffered last year till now. I said good luck to him and told him that I would rather stay at the sideline waiting to see either he is going to make money or suffering more losses. My friend was then very angry with me as my pessimism spoilt his mood to increase his portfolio.
Such is the way of investing nowadays, people get over excited upon slight optimism and also become very fearful for minor negativity. Someone say equity market is a zero-sum game, some make money and some lose. But then again, majority of the retail investors are those scape-goats suffering the most as they are easy pray to the abundance financial information available on the media where the genuineness of the information is a question mark. The smart investors who are carefully examining and verifying the available information and then make a long term decision will probably last the distance. The too many small fries who prone to knee-jerk reaction and follow the herd would most likely lost their way in the highly sophisticated and volatile equity market.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Razak walked out a free man
Police and public prosecutors take two years going around the bush, getting 84 witnesses to testify, in between the private investigator Bala made a statutory declaration, then retracted it then went into hiding. After such dramatic episode of high profile trial, and yet Razak Baginda walked out a free man, as the prosecutors failed to even provide prima facie evidence to get Razak Baginda to enter defence. What the hack is the public prosecutors doing? Is the whole prosecution team influenced by 'some powerful people' until the prosecution becomes so sloppy and haphazard?
The murder of the Mongolian lady has tarnished the image of this country. The police force and prosecution team need to put in concerted efforts to gather sufficient evidence so that the real murderers can be brought to justice. With the acquittance of Razak Baginda, the people at large have lost confidence in the police and the credibility of our public prosecutors is also at doubt. They are either prosecuting the wrong guys or could not even prove beyond reasonable doubt that defendants are guilty.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Crude Oil Prices - Highest Vs Lowest
In a short spell of not more than 4 months, crude oil prices start nosediving to the current levels of close to US60 a barrel. I wonder why the demands of oil can drop so drastically in less than 4 months even though a global recession or economic slowdown is imminent. The second finance minister said recently that the declining crude oil prices spell gloom for our economy as petroleum based products account for 40% of the government's projected revenue. Now, shall we be happy or not for a low crude oil price?
The question is; can the fundamentals change so drastically over such a short period of time with the anticipated global recession? Could the global energy demands decline so significantly just because of the fear factors rather than actual fundamental changes? Or the crude oil prices were skyrocketing since last year mainly due to the speculative ventures by certain parties and not because of actual surge in demands?
Speculative actions by big tycoons around the world have too often led to misery to civilians like you and me. Perhaps, economic slowdown like what we are currently facing is the time for those speculators to pay the price for their greed.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A live stunt on the road
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Low CPO Price
Monday, October 20, 2008
What a "Kangkung"
In my view, It is not difficult to understand the choice of the majority of the MCA delegates. Since the political tsunami in 08-March, 2008, the mindsets of the people have changed. It can been seen that the grassroots want their leaders to be more vocal and assertive. The center committee of MCA also realise the need to move away from the traditional modus operandi of so called consultation or "closed-door discussion". Perhaps, that's why Chua Soi Lek is chosen as he is deemed more vocal and assertive as compared to Ong Ka Chuan, the preferred candidate by the party's leadership, who subscribes to "speaking behind closed-door".
Can "Tiger" Chua cooperate with his new-elected president remains to be seen as both are of equally strong character. Ong Tee Kiat is all along regarded as a "lone ranger", out-spoken yes he is, but can he get strong supports from his party members especially the loyal followers of Ong Ka Ting or Chan Kwong Choi and the likes? Tiger Chua will only become more fearless as no part of his body has not been seen by the public. But can he be accepted by other BN leaders should he be proposed by MCA to be a cabinet minister? One thing is for sure, the KANGKUNG combination of Ong and Chua should put down all their differences and work together as one as MCA can not afford to have another slip up again. The Chinese majority had already spoken loud and clear during the last general election, they would rather vote for the opposition if MCA continue to be "blind obedience".
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Be greedy when others are fearful

It is the time to be greedy when others are fearful, said Mr. Buffett. True indeed Mr Buffett, but most of the investors have no more "bullets" to be greedy. Most of the "bullets" had been miss-fired at stray targets when KLCI was approaching historical high last year when everyone was greedy and nobody was fearful. I just pray hard that KLCI will slowly recover so that my losses could be minimised.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Not safe to put up a police beat base
Isn't it the responsibility of police force to protect the civilians from criminal activities. If the place is unsafe, there are more reasons for them to intensify patrolling so as to reduce crime. Now, a police beat base is being closed down because the place is not safe? Policemen are trained to fight crime, surely they are capable of handling the criminals. I suppose the Home Minister is putting priority on the safety of police force on top of the civilians. No wonder the crime rates have not been contained for years as the police is running away from crime prone areas.
This is like asking the soldiers not to go the battlefield as it is too dangerous. Who will protect us then? What kind of logic is this??
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hardship in Ease
In the younger days in school, we were taught to always save for a raining day. We were taught to think about the past hardship when at ease and think otherwise during a hardship. Unfortunately, we don't think about the hardship when we are at ease, instead we are driven by greed. History always repeats itself, but the fools keep on falling into the same trap as they never learn from the past mistakes.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Rocky's bru Under Fire
I respect Rocky for having the gut to publish all the sarcastic remarks. The article had attracted some 300 over comments when I was reading it.Too bad that most of the criticizers are hiding under the skirts of anonymous and firing him rigorously as perhaps they too, are worried of getting sued.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Whose Head Will Roll?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Malaysia Unlikely to Enter Recession???
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Penan Peril
The alleged abuse on Penan girls as reported by NGO Bruno Manser Foundation of late is nothing new. It has been in existence for a long time. It is not merely a criminal problem but more towards a socioeconomic problem. Young native girls become easy prey for errant loggers mainly because of the strained and reduced circumstances and poor living environment. Instead of blaming the NGO for tarnishing the image of our country by reporting issues like this, we should be appreciative as without them, our politicians will never step their feet on the barren land of remote countryside.
I often visit remote areas in Sabah, Sarawak and Pahang during the course of work. Sometime, I met up with some young native children studying in the primary schools located in the oil palm estates where I was visiting. These schools are mostly financed or operated by the plantation companies with limited resources or support from the government. Some native families are reluctant to send their children to the school as it is too far away from their home.
Sometime, I do come across some young native kids who look notably like Chinese. My friend in the estate always joked that they could be the offspring of one of the planters. Joking aside, if the alleged victimization of young Penan girls reported by BMF is true, then not only the culprits is guilty, the government is equally responsible for not being able to bring up the livelihood of the native minority.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Different Fate of Two Chinese
Monday, September 29, 2008
China's Paradox
Night Race-A thumb-up to Singapore

The world have witnessed how Singapore, a small city state with little natural resources put up such an extraordinary race agaisnt all odds, in the way spending much lesser money as compared to Sepang or Shanghai as they do not even need to built a race track. It is indeed the human capital of Singapore that make the different. How they think outside the box is the way they survive in this ever challenging world.

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Dog Food
Thursday, September 18, 2008
KLCI at two-year low

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
September 16 an Anticlimax
Pakatan Rakyat on the other hand should enhance their administration on the 5 states under their control. If they can better BN, I would say more people will support them in the coming general election. If Pakatan Rakyat continue with the current strategies of overthrowing the government by pinching the BN's MPs, that will exhaust their resources and thus they would not be able to focus on improving the livelihood of the people.
As it is now, there seems to be a global economic turbulent on the way due to the economic crisis in US. Why not we join hands in strengthening our economy and ensuring the people are more resilient in facing economic crisis should it really happen.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Prisoner of Conscience
ISA is against peace and democracy. We can see that it is so conveniently used to detain someone that in the view of government had threatened national security. Are those people really terrorists? Or are they prisoner of conscience. Why ISA? IS the government incapable of acting against the lawbreakers with the laws that we are having now? Or, simply, the ISA is being used as it is so convenient? Can't our law enforcers find enough evidence to charge the ISA detainees in open court?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Unjust arrest of Sin Chew reporter
This is a trick so often played by the government. OK, you people are angry with Ahmad Ismail, actions have been taken against him. Now is the time to go for the rest who are also involving in spicing out the issue. So, don't you people complain, it is fair to everybody.
This is democracy in this country; the person who allegedly given racist remarks was suspended for 3 years from all his party posts and still acts like a big hero, the person who reported the issue was arrested and investigated under ISA.
Monday, September 8, 2008
2 Days 1 Night in Penang
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Arrogant Racist
Monday, September 1, 2008
Racism - No 1 Enemy to National Unity
Chinese politicians naturally condemning such irresponsible act of their counterpart in Barisan National. Demanding apology and some even ask this guy to be sacked by UMNO. Of course the PM will always play his Tai-chi, explaining that that chap didn't mean what he had said. Never mind, we know there is always double standards. If someone else not from UMNO giving such controversial remarks, they will surely be arrested under ISA.
So MCA and Gerakan, let's see the so called politics of consultation work or not. We will find out very soon should any disciplinary actions be taken on this chap.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Anwar's Victory = People Victory?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Petrol Lower by 15 cents
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Double Disappointment

Monday, August 18, 2008
Proud of Chong Wei Despite Defeat

Well, you can see that Malaysians are pouring theirs words of encouragement and strong supports to Chong Wei despite his defeat to Lin Dan in the men's single final in Beijing Olympic. Many cheered his determination to come this far. I was disappointed of course not for him not winning the first ever Olympic gold medal but more on his inability to fight against super Lin Dan which had strong partisan supports. Perhaps most of us are too eager to see a Malaysian winning a gold medal and not knowing how huge was the burden on Chong Wei's shoulders. You may have sleepless nights after this defeat but most important is to stand up again, train harder and become mentally stronger. Fight for a gold in London.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Only Silver for Malaysia
Well, perhap Lin Dan was too good or Chong Wei was under too much pressure. He was clearly not playing his normal game, making far too many unforced errors, giving away a golden oppurtunity to be our first olmypic gold medalist and winning himself a million riggit. Too bad. Whatever it is, he has done his level best but may be too much of pressure had affected his game. Keep it up, Chong Wei, I hope you will find new inspirations to become stronger, four years later there is still a battle field awaiting you.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Anwar-Shabery Open Debate on Fuel Price
Friday, July 11, 2008
ISA Detainee and His Dying Daughter
Monday, July 7, 2008

Like it or not, everyone need to earn his or her living. Like everyone else , I have to work hard for a living. Life is especially tough nowadays, everything seems so expensive. To own a car is so expensive, to buy a house is even more expensive.
I have friends who are working in Indonesia that always suggesting me to work in Indonesia to earn more money. There are plentiful of jobs available there as oil palm industry is growing so rapidly. I was told that Indonesia companies would pay double or triple our pay over here to attract more expertise.
I remember my former boss used to tell me that life is a package, our job is just part of it. Come to think of it, would it really worth it to stay far away from your family to earn extra money? Would it be better to earn decently but with your family around you? I suppose that is individual choice.
Sick of All These Nonsense
I don't think we can live in peace should these things keep on happening. Every morning, I flip through the newspapers and immediately getting sick. How can a person made a statutory declaration just to withdraw it a day later? Eating your own words?
We have to stop all these nonsense to move forward. But the politicians and related parties will keep on sensationalising such issues to achieve theirs agendas. I guess we have to wise-up, and just ignore all these nonsense so that we can live happily without our soul and mind being polluted.